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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Day 1 Breaking Booze

Updated: Feb 17, 2019

Sunday means Sunday brunch at the restaurant I work in. It's often a long and stressful day. People want french toast past 11 and are upset when we sell out of cinnamon rolls. Changeover from breakfast to lunch is always stressful, but didn't seem to be so much today. Two of my coworkers whom I also consider to be friends, are doing a cleanse for the next ten days. I believe they are contributing motivators to my decision to stop drinking. As well as a Facebook friend - an old friend - she and her partner stopped drinking for three months and I was more than moved by her post about it. My partner, Kelsey, and I had discussed earlier in the week that we would give booze a break after a night or two of gin drinks. We decided today was the day. After work, I came home and fixed us lunch while Kelsey shaved one of our cats. Kelsey is allergic and the cat gets less comfortable the more out of control her mane gets. Ordinarily I'd have a mimosa by this time. I failed to mention the restaurant I work in makes all drinks taste like the best drinks. Fresh squeezed orange juice is the key here. Anyhoo, none today. We watched a little TV and I decided to make Honey Garlic Chicken in the Instant Pot I was given on my birthday a few weeks ago. I'm crazy about it. I should give you guys that recipe. Anyway, after dinner we watched True Detective. Good show. Dark. We turned in early. That's our day 1. No news is good news. Peace and love.


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