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Day 37

I saw one of the most horrific things I've ever seen the other day. It caused me to consider some of the other horrors I've experienced...

(Catchy Title Still Not Pictured)

I've stopped numbering the days since I began, and I'm no longer titling each entry 'Breaking Booze.' You may have noticed. There's more...

(Catchy Title Not Pictured)

Often times, I'm not sure what I will write about when I blog. Other times I may have something in mind, but once I get going, realize it...

Days 21-25 Breaking Booze

Oh, hi. Still here. Nice to know you are too. What have I been up to? I bet you really want to know if I've been drinking or not, so I...

Days 19 and 20 Breaking Booze

Since I started monitoring my drinking habit a few weeks ago, I've become more aware of the effects of alcohol when I do indeed partake....

Days 16-18 Breaking Booze

I've spent most of this week preparing for a presentation on exercise and its benefits, specifically for people who have or are at risk...

Days 13-15 Breaking Booze

This will be the third week of this new awareness Kelsey and I are exploring in regards to drinking alcohol. Before all of this, we...

Day 12 Breaking Booze

I can't keep doing this. Not the not drinking, but the writing. I am thoroughly enjoying it, however, it takes time and energy and focus...

Day 11 Breaking Booze

I went out last night. My friend invited me to trivia. It was at a bookstore, so I saw it as a good chance to get out and be social...

Day 10 Breaking Booze

For the first time all year, I got to hike some of my favorite trails today. There's this Preserve I've been going to since 2012. A...

Day 9 Breaking Booze

At some point, I'm going to have to change this title. In case you were wondering, the show Breaking Bad was in no way an influence for...

Day 8 ish Breaking Booze

If someone asked me to consider some of the slipperiest slopes - or even if nobody did, I suppose - I would recite the following: telling...

Day 7 Breaking Booze

It's been about a full week since I decided that I would cut out booze to cut back in the long run. That is where I am at by the way -...

Day 6 Breaking Booze

Love Letters day. That was the name of the show I went to at The Civic last night. I started the day unsure as to whether or not I would...

Day err uh 5 Breaking Booze

You may be able to tell by my silly title that I'm poking fun at myself for drinking wine already. I know I said I didn't feel bad about...

Day 4 Breaking Booze

Snowed in on hump day. We started the day shoveling with strangers. Another thing I tell my clients, especially this time of year, is not...

Day 3 Breaking Booze

It was bound to happen. It always does. I just didn't plan on doing it so soon. Today, I rearranged the living room. I love the home I...

Day 2 Breaking Booze

There's something daunting about numbering the days. I imagine I will stop doing that at some point, but for now it's kind of exciting....

Day 1 Breaking Booze

Sunday means Sunday brunch at the restaurant I work in. It's often a long and stressful day. People want french toast past 11 and are...

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