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Day 12 Breaking Booze

I can't keep doing this. Not the not drinking, but the writing. I am thoroughly enjoying it, however, it takes time and energy and focus that I need to distribute amongst many things - not to mention people. First and foremost, my darling. She doesn't ask for much, nor does she need to. We are both very independent and busy people, but each and every day, we find time to connect somehow. Sometimes it takes no effort at all, and then there are times when I need to remember to put my things aside, and check in with her; to really focus on her. For me to concentrate on one thing at a time may be more difficult than for most. I'm a magnificent multitasker, I will say that. I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until I was in college, but was showing symptoms since I can remember being in school. I've spent most of my life unmedicated. Those pills aren't for me. Exercise, however, has been a big part of my life for pretty much my whole life. I attribute my sanity to that. Breathing techniques help, as well as positive self-talk. I highly recommend each of those for everybody.

I still plan to blog. I haven't gotten used to saying that. I don't want to sound pretentious. Not that I think blogging is pretentious. Anyhow, I have a busy weekend ahead, so I figure I will start there. I will take the weekend off from blogging. Not only will I have a little more time to tend to other tasks and fun, but I bet the blogs will be a little more action packed if they are fewer and far between. Less stream of consciousness and more potentially useful information. Like, for instance, that I'm sleeping better since I've not been drinking alcohol. I talked about that a couple of blogs ago, but I'm resting better while I sleep. I wake up feeling more refreshed, and am less likely to need a nap later in the day. I'm also saving money. I've managed to develop a moderately expensive taste for wine and spirits especially. I haven't decided what to do with all the money yet. Or I should say, I haven't decided which part of my house the money will go to yet. It's a good house, but there are some things that need to be done sooner than later. See what I said about how the blogs will get more interesting the less I write?

I have to get going because I am on hummus duty for Kelsey's sister's baby shower tomorrow. I'm making it from scratch and haven't done so in a few years. Wish me luck!

Also, I'm attaching a picture of this delicious non-alcoholic shrub I had yesterday at Food Dance. I wanted to catch up with a friend and have a bite, and I remembered they have the most delicious shrub mix. For anyone who doesn't know, because I didn't know until fairly recently, a shrub is a concentrated syrup that combines fruit, sugar, and vinegar. Give one a try. They serve them with or without alcohol. Tell them Steph sent you. Winky smiley. Thanks for reading! Peace and love.


Non-Alcoholic Shrub at Food Dance Cafe

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