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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Day 6 Breaking Booze

Love Letters day. That was the name of the show I went to at The Civic last night. I started the day unsure as to whether or not I would definitely go. I wanted to see it from the second I saw it posted, but I suspected getting those nights off from the restaurant for the both of us may be an issue. And quite honestly, we need the money. We had an unplanned nine weeks off of work due to a kitchen fire and are still getting caught back up. But we ARE getting caught up. There's no reason to stress, because we are doing something about it. The fire happened. It sucked, but it happened. NOBODY WAS HURT. That was the most important thing. A lot of people came together in support of the staff. We're back in business now and business is good. Really, it's all in how you look at it. You can have 10 people in your section all night, twenty, maybe thirty or more - but it's how I connect with each person that really matters to me. Obviously the tips do too. I'm not wealthy and I'm not a saint. But it means something to me that I can make a difference for them. A close friend of mine posted a brilliant bit about Valentine's Day in the restaurant industry on Facebook the other day. In more eloquent ways than I can describe, he talked about how the last table sat in our section may be the last table of our evening, and we may be tired and ready to go, but that it may be their first time there. He said it may even be their last time. I was very touched by that. I don't remember when it was, but years ago, I decided that I would try and treat each customer, each guest, like they were my own mom. Or at least someone dear to me that I could relate to and care for. Not every person who walks through the door knows what SarVecchio cheese is or who spiced pepitas are. (they're pumpkin seeds). I have the opportunity to teach them. It's cool. I like it. That's something I have never understood about Chefs who don't like to answer questions about their food. It's your craft. Why on earth wouldn't you want to share that knowledge with aspiring cooks and interested people? I digress. By now you've figured out that I do that.

Have I really not talked about the show yet? I got to go to the show! Kelsey had to work so I asked my friend, Anne, to come. Her husband was working, but she found a sitter and we went! I wasn't opposed to going alone if she couldn't accompany me. Edie Falco and Stephen Wallem, directed by Tony Humrichouser! A lovely bunch and a fabulous production. Even before the funny parts, Anne and I were laughing our asses off. We have a shared, and sometimes a little messed up, sense of humor. She is one of my very best friends and I am certain, always will be.

No drinks for me today. We skipped the wine and chocolate afterparty in the lobby, and home I went to watch The Office with my love. I felt good about not drinking today. Ordinarily, I'd have had a drink before the show, and most likely one or two after. It's a night out after all, that's what we do! But, we didn't. Day 6 down. Or up. Peace and love.


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