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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Day 11 Breaking Booze

Updated: Feb 22, 2019

I went out last night. My friend invited me to trivia. It was at a bookstore, so I saw it as a good chance to get out and be social without the temptation to drink alcohol. I know I decided I wouldn't deprive myself of it completely, but I really think there is value in abstaining from it for now. I feel very clear and confident about my decisions, as well as in my actions and my reactions. Want to hear something cool, even though it was not what I was expecting? This bookstore actually does have booze. They serve craft beer and cocktail concoctions and wine, oh my! I opted for a kombucha. First time, like ever, that I had a NA drink with my friends while they sipped on cold beer and mouthwatering wine. This kombucha is locally made and contains filtered water, organic black tea, organic green tea, organic evaporated cane sugar, live cultures, cold-pressed plum and grape juice. I took that from their website. I'm including the link because it's awesome and it's local and you all should try it. It's called Physic.

Trivia was fun. The company was better. I have such a good time with those friends. Come to think of it, I don't really spend time with anyone I don't thoroughly enjoy. Not out of work anyway. Ba-dum-ch. No, but the people I work with are mostly cool, but how could everyone be? I work with like 90 people. There's bound to be a buffoon or two. Anyway, I'm no good at trivia. I forgot about that. That's probably why I'm no good at it. I realized half way through the first round that that's the reason I'd not been to trivia in a couple of years. I don't have much to add and I can't get on my phone to take pictures with my friends. I did know a few answers. I'm glad I went. I don't have to be good at all the things, and I can still have a good time even if I'm not. I am sure I will go again.

I got my first strength training workout in since I twinged my back about a week ago. I was sure to warm up sufficiently prior, and I lowered the weight on the machines a bit, so as not to set it off again - or something else for that matter. I'm 37 now. My body is strong, but subject to injury, and does not bounce back like it used to. I used to put myself through such trauma without giving it a thought. On the softball field, especially, but when I'd go snowboarding even. Just doing things I wasn't trained to do and getting seriously injured because of it. I wish I'd been more careful and loving with myself so much sooner. I was indestructible though. Super tough, I swear.

Another day without alcohol. It would have been fine to have a drink with my friends last night. I considered it, and it occurred to me that I just didn't feel like it. No one made me feel like I had to, or that I was being a weirdo by not. I joked and laughed and answered a bunch of answers incorrectly. At the end of the night, I had dinner with Kels and slept like a rock. Half way through day 12 as I write this. Did I mention my waistline is trimmer? Thanks for reading! Peace and love.


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