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Day 9 Breaking Booze

At some point, I'm going to have to change this title. In case you were wondering, the show Breaking Bad was in no way an influence for the name of this blog. I started with Break from Booze and Booze Break and both sucked. I thought of Breaking Booze and felt it was catchy and that it didn't suck. Now, I see they're coming out with a Breaking Bad movie and I would prefer there not be any confusion, for my blog about drinking less alcohol is in no way related to a show that glorifies the world of meth. I am not trying to start any arguments. It was a very entertaining show and kept me eagerly coming back each week. The writing, the casting, the acting - great show, really. There were certainly scenes and stories that depicted the dangers and hazards of methamphetamine, but at the end of the day, people are still quoting Jesse Pinkman and idolizing Walter White. Maybe they just love the actors. They are incredibly talented. I'm sure they were affected by the show. The acting was brilliant. I don't know much about meth, but what I do know is that anyone who is making it, distributing it, or using it, is not cool. I'm losing family members to it. I know. With all of that said, I'm wondering what I should call this thing now.

Day 9, no booze, no problem. I had clients before my shift at the restaurant. I almost always feel inspired when I finish training. Knowing I've helped someone feel stronger that day - there are few feelings like that. I encourage you to give it a try. Somehow, and in some way. Seeing them get stronger over time is even better.

After work, Kelsey and I watched the latest episode of I Am the Night, TNT's new series inspired by true events surrounding the Black Dahlia murder. Really interesting show. If you've read enough of these, you may be noticing a trend. We watch sweet stuff too. No Hallmark though. That's my friend, Abby's thing. Abby, are you reading this? If you come and visit, I'll spend a day watching those silly movies with you and I won't complain once. Honest.

On a completely random side note, I'm attaching a photo of this person I follow on Instagram, and Dylan Sprouse. Michelle Liu travels the world, taking chin pics and it's amazing. A whole account devoted to fun. I absolutely adore it.

Sleep was sound. Onward and upward to day 10. Peace and love.


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2 commenti

Anne Gabriel Charette
Anne Gabriel Charette
19 feb 2019

Maybe...dodging the drink? Avoiding the Alcohol? Clearing out the Cocktails? Suspending the Spirits? Shall I go on?

Mi piace

Anne Gabriel Charette
Anne Gabriel Charette
19 feb 2019

Love the pic! and the blog.

Mi piace
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