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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Day 7 Breaking Booze

Updated: Feb 18, 2019

It's been about a full week since I decided that I would cut out booze to cut back in the long run. That is where I am at by the way - finding ways to manage life WITH drinking, but in moderation. As I mentioned in my last post, in order for me to control it, I need to understand it. I need to find the times when it's appropriate to have a drink and the times when it's not. For instance, having a drink in the morning, that sounds crazy, right? Not so much if you have a friend in town and you're meeting at a restaurant that has housemade Bloody Mary mix or fresh squeezed OJ for Mimosas. The things I'm trying to eliminate are drinking out of boredom, drinking due to some sort of obligation I've conjured up in my brain, drinking to dull, and drinking to relieve stress. Having a drink with a friend or my lady, especially at dinner or after the day is done, is completely appropriate for me. Again, this is my journey. What is right for me may not be right for you and vice versa. I don't need to cut it out completely, but I'm still doing what I can to cut it out a while longer. At least until I am as aware as I can be. That is what this is all about.

So, technically, today is day 8. I always write these the next day. Which reminds me, there will be days when I don't get to write. In no way does that mean I have quit. I don't want this to feel like work. I am really enjoying sharing these thoughts with you and I want to keep it that way. Too much of a good thing, as they say. Yesterday, I worked at the restaurant. Usually, I have clients in the morning and afternoon on Saturdays, but I'm training them today instead. I find that being flexible with my clients keeps them consistent, and consistency is key.

Before work, I cleaned the house. I put YouTube videos for cats on the television, Duke Ellington on the record player, and grease to the elbow. If you have cats and you can, find a YouTube video for them and watch them go. Boots goes bonkers and even Sassy, who is deaf, gets in on watching the quick movements of the birds and/or squirrels. Do it. And then please post pictures. Okay, time to go train. Funny that I don't call it work, but refer to it only as training, always. I love being a Personal Trainer. Getting certified was one of the best things I've done in my life and has absolutely changed it for the better. I've learned so much about the body and exercise and wellness - things that we should all

know. Ask us about our favorite athlete or actor, our favorite television show or food. We have so many answers! Ask us about the bones in our body or our muscles. Ask us anything about joints. You'd be surprised how little we know our own bodies. Ah, but there I go again. Thanks for reading. Peace and love.


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