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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Day err uh 5 Breaking Booze

You may be able to tell by my silly title that I'm poking fun at myself for drinking wine already. I know I said I didn't feel bad about it. Alcohol is a depressant, so it's natural I'd wake up feeling a little down. But then I bring myself back to a place where I don't judge. I only witness. I learned that one from Ram Dass as well. The witness understands that this is a journey that I am on as a human. I am not all knowing, nor am I the least bit perfect. In order for me to cut down on my drinking, I need to understand what, why, and when I have the urges. Then, I can differentiate between what's appropriate and what's not. I already understand that a lot of my drinking was simply out of habit. I am sure a lot of the time I wanted the drink, but most of the time, it's just what I did. I finished a shift at the restaurant. I'm making dinner. I'm having dinner. I'm at a restaurant and I don't want to just get water. The person I'm with is having a drink. There are all sorts of scenarios in which I would have a drink without thinking. I didn't need it and I maybe didn't even much want it. See? Insight already.

I worked last night. Valentine's Day. One of the busiest days in the restaurant industry. Two tops for days. Over 300 people came in last night. I served Old Fashioneds and Moscow Mules, Mojitos and Margaritas. I sold Cabernet, Moscato, Champagne, and a nice red blend called Old Patch Red; as well as cold, delicious craft beer all night. At the end of it all, believe it or not, I didn't even have a drink! You may be thinking, "What's the big deal?" If you've ever been a server in a restaurant and worked a dinner shift on Valentine's Day, you feel me. I'm proud! I'm proud of Kelsey too. We did not plan ahead, so we went through Arby's for dinner on the way home. So, no drinks, but Arby's. One thing at a time.

The absolutely coolest part of my day was when I got to work. The amazingly talented and incredibly kind, Edie Falco and Stephen Wallem of Nurse Jackie and more were there! They were sitting at C2! You don't know what that is, but it's a table at the restaurant I work in! I'm a huge fan of them both. I took a Monologue and Working the Scene class at The Civic with Stephen's partner, Tony, whom I adore. He worked with my Grandpa, Jerry, long ago, and has shared lovely stories with me of him. I was fortunate to meet him and had been hoping to run into him again. He, too, is a very talented person. I tried hard to act cool. They were having lunch after all, I didn't want to be rude. I was star struck on the inside, and on the outside just kept saying, "Thank you for coming into the restaurant," and apparently a coworker overheard me say, "We have breakfast, lunch, and dinner." LOL. I laughed at that. I was nervous, but I'm sure they're used to that by now. They were so polite. Both of them introduced themselves and stuck their hand out before I even had the chance. I could talk about this all day, but I have to get ready to go to their show at The Civic! I will let you all know how it is. Anyway, I beamed about that moment all night, and still today. Thanks for reading my blog! I'm already half way through day 6. Peace and love.


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