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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Day 3 Breaking Booze

It was bound to happen. It always does. I just didn't plan on doing it so soon. Today, I rearranged the living room. I love the home I own, but the rooms are small for the furniture I have - or the furniture is big for the house I have. Look at that whichever way is more positive for you. I guess I moved stuff around all the time growing up, though, too. My mom says it reminds her of her mom, my Nana. She was always rearranging their rooms when my mom was young. I think I found a good flow for our third most occupied room in the house, and Kelsey does too. Number one, the kitchen. We both love to cook. Number two, the bedroom. Get your minds out of the gutter, we sleep there as well.

To get warmed up for the big day of moving heavy furniture around, I did the yoga/pilates practice again. This time, Kels joined me. It was fun. We giggled and groaned. I think it was harder than she expected. I found it to be a lot easier today than yesterday. This was the practice I was doing when I was in the best shape of my life - when I pulled myself and my dog out of icy water one March after falling through. Well, she fell through and then I fell through rescuing her. That's a story for another day. We both survived and without permanent or serious injury. The point here, is that I would not have had the upper body strength I needed to get both of us out, if I had not been practicing yoga so consistently. Long story short, I'm stronger today than I was yesterday.

The rest of the day was relaxed. I had a rare day off for a Tuesday. I typically have clients all throughout the day, but they happened to need different days, so here I am, rearranging the living room and watching Alton Brown's show, Good Eats. I highly recommend his show for all things cooking, baking, eating, prepping, storing, etc. I've been a regular cook in my kitchen for a solid six years or so, and just yesterday learned the proper way to dice an onion. I'm not too proud to admit that. But it is silly that I never knew. I used to go through life pretending to know things I didn't, so that I wouldn't look dumb. Each and every time I did that, I missed out on an opportunity to learn something new. I no longer pretend to know (unless I just don't want to know - please see uncomfortable conversations with customers I just want to get away from). I did mention I'm a server in a restaurant, right? Those types of talks happen all too often. Not to say there aren't customers and conversations I greatly enjoy. For it being a quiet day, I sure do have a lot to ramble on about. I proved my point for today. Day 3, no booze. Not even missing it yet. Cheers from my smoothie to yours. Peace and love.


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