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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Day 2 Breaking Booze

Updated: Feb 17, 2019

There's something daunting about numbering the days. I imagine I will stop doing that at some point, but for now it's kind of exciting. This morning, I woke up feeling stressed and had the morning and afternoon off, so I got out one of my old Yoga/Pilates DVDs and did a practice I hadn't done in maybe years. I took the advice I give to my clients, which is to only do what I'm able and not try to do exactly what the instructor does. I have noticed some limited mobility in my hips lately, as well as some soreness in my back, so this seemed like a good place to start. It didn't take long for me to realize how much strength and flexibility I'd lost. I'm looking forward to getting this back into my regular routine. Slowly, but certainly surely, and most importantly, safely. 

Kelsey and I watched an episode of Marie Kondo's Tidying Up last week, and since then, I've been doing bits and pieces. If I followed her method, the process would be more organized, but if I were more organized, I wouldn't need her method. I'm working on it. So, I did a bit of that throughout the day. I took a little time to read from Ram Dass's Polishing the Mirror, which is essentially a guidebook to finding spirituality within yourself and then maintaining it in the crazy and sometimes cruel world we live in. I've found him most helpful in regards to dealing with death, but life too. Ironically enough, I'd gotten to the section about keeping a journal. Things like this let me know I'm on the right path. Not to mention, I'd gotten a Facebook message from an old friend/coworker, saying she'd had the same thoughts and feelings about alcohol lately, and get this, SHE'S STARTING A BLOG TOO! The world is funny. We are connected in ways we wouldn't know if we didn't communicate. I'm grateful for the chance to start this blog. I'm thankful for the education I've had to make me a half decent writer. I'm thankful for the words that come to me, and I'm thankful for the computer I have to type them on. I'm thankful for the lady who loves me, who is upstairs making us a roast right now. I guess this is where I'm at. Feeling thankful af. For anyone who doesn't know, that means "as fuck." I'm not one for swearing when I write because I believe it takes away from what I say. Although, there are times when it certainly can add to it. Balance and such. I digress. That's that for today. I worked and then I watched a crazy movie with Kelsey, called Velvet Buzzsaw. Loved it. But all right then, enough about me. Peace and love.


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