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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Day 10 Breaking Booze

Updated: Feb 22, 2019

For the first time all year, I got to hike some of my favorite trails today. There's this Preserve I've been going to since 2012. A friend from work told me about it. I'm forever grateful to her for that. That place has been a huge part of my life over the past six and a half years, and it will never not be. I used to go there with my dog, Lucky, before she was too old to make the trip. She lived to be 17 years old, by the way. She was part Beagle and part German Shepherd; medium sized, with THE most beautiful face. I got her when she was 6. I was living in a house with roommates who liked to party hardy at the time. It was no place for a dog, especially one as skittish as she was. She'd been living with this abusive alcoholic who lived next door to some friends of mine. His landlord kicked him out and he wasn't able to take the dog. I just happened to be sitting outside at my friends' picnic table the day they were deciding what to do with her. I said the place I was living at the time was no place for a dog, right? But, I had no choice. I agreed to take her, thinking, "What's the big deal? I take this dog, give her a good home for a few years, and my friend said I will have good karma coming my way even." She stayed with me for about a week before my oldest sister said she would keep her until I got a new place. This was not unlike my sister, Shawn. She had a heart of gold and enough room for any child or stray that needed a home. The day I had to put Lucky down, I reminded myself that my sister would care for her for me once again. I found comfort in that then, and I still do.

I decided to take my friend's dog with me today. I kid you not, he looks almost identical to Lucky. He is a German Shepherd; much bigger than she was, and a much better listener. Lucky lived such a lonely and abusive life before she came to live with me, that I didn't have the heart to discipline her - really ever. I was too young and didn't know well enough to take her to obedience classes. Looking back, I wouldn't have changed a thing though. She lived as long as she did and loved every second of it. Even towards the end, when her joints were stiff and her eyesight not what it once was - she did NOT want to leave my side. Man, do I miss her.

Back to Bruiser. That's the Lucky lookalike I hiked with today. I let the sweet boy off his leash when we were further into the woods and off of the main path. He was so happy that I couldn't help but feel so happy too. Just being on those trails fills me with hope and happiness. There's a place like that out there for you, you know. For me, it's woods, and water too! Put them together and I am elated. You'd think I'd be more of a camper than I am. I'm not. I like toilets and beds too much. Last summer, Kelsey and I went on a canoe trip with some friends and decided we'd stay at a campground afterwards, just the two of us. When we arrived, we realized that not only was our site on a hill, but there was no fire pit, and worse yet, it was directly next to the outhouses. After a less than pleasant encounter with, whom I believe to be the owner, and seeing the creepy guys camping next to us, we decided for $20, we'd just go home. After a long day on the river, I would have paid twice that to sleep in my bed, not even considering the conditions of the campground. Short story long, that's the only time we've tried camping together. Don't ask me why, but I don't believe that to be our last, either. Thank you for reading. Peace and love.


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