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  • Writer's pictureSteph

Days 19 and 20 Breaking Booze

Since I started monitoring my drinking habit a few weeks ago, I've become more aware of the effects of alcohol when I do indeed partake. I notice how I feel a little more down the next day. Whether it's two gin and tonics or a couple glasses of wine, I will wake up with less spunk. If it's gin, I may not even sleep that well that night. I will probably feel more anxious even. No matter the drink, I will most certainly have to get up to go to the bathroom at least once, undoubtedly prohibiting me from getting a good night's rest. Another thing I'm noticing, is that I'm more in tune with how I feel after I eat certain things. This new, elevated awareness is seeping into other parts of my life, and I totally dig it.

The presentations the other day - which turned out to be more like an interactive class setting, that I enjoyed immensely - really opened my eyes to the lack of knowledge there is out there about our bodies, our diets, and the effects of exercise. Those in attendance were the general public - many of whom have Type 2 diabetes or a loved one with diabetes - as well as nurses and staff. I admit that I am used to working with clients who have more resources and education when it comes to the way their bodies are supposed to function. In order to relate to these participants, I had to really back up and take into account that many of them never exercise, and don't fully know the ways in which the foods they eat affect their bodies. It's fascinating to me - especially when it comes to, not only food allergies, but sensitivities as well - how a person will continue to eat and/or drink things that make them feel like shit. I truly believe that it's because they don't know they can feel better. They aren't aware that they don't have to feel like that. I was talking with a client this morning and this topic came up. I instantly remembered something that really struck me during my training to become a Personal Trainer, and that is this: MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW HOW GOOD THEIR BODIES ARE DESIGNED TO FEEL. I was one of those people for most of my life. My mother is one of those people, but is finally starting to realize that proper nourishment is the key to overall health. That and exercise, of course. But what you eat and drink will either fuel or fight disease. Believe it. Many times, it takes cutting something out of your diet to realize the way in which if effects you. Try it. Track it. You'll see.

Anyway, I am aware of the need for people like me to share my experiences and my expertise with people who can't afford it. I would like to find a way to do that and still be able to make a living. Do reach out if you have any ideas. I specialize in training youth, but am comfortable working with just about anyone, with just about any kind of fitness goals. I've gone off again. This is good though. Talk about health and wellness, both physical and mental. We all have it. We're all dealing with something. Let's get real so we can do something about it.

I feel inspired today. I could write and write and write, but my Instant Pot awaits and Stuffed Pepper Soup is on the menu. One of my best friends from high school has all the recipes you'll ever need right here. I make her stuff more than anyone's. Check her out. If you don't like what you make, I'll eat it. I can't say it enough, but thank you for reading. Now, go do something good for yourself or someone else. Peace and love.


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